A Tribute to my Nana

My Nana was a wonderful woman, and is definitely missed. She's probably one of the kindest people I have ever had the opportunity of knowing. While we were getting ready for her memorial service I had the opportunity of digging through old photos to come up with a slide show. We ended up using 124 pictures in the slide show, and I think people enjoyed it. I've decided to share some of my personal favorite pictures of my Nana.

I think I like this picture so much because of the contrast between the dark colors that Nana is wearing and the white rock behind her. It strikes me for some reason. I think it's beautiful.

Nana loved nature. (You'll probably come to realize that when looking at these pictures.)

This is from my last October in Provo when Nana, Karen, Emily and Kara came to visit me. I liked when they came to visit and that time we went to Cornbelly's. Nana had a great sense of humor.

I'm very glad that Nana was able to come to my college graduation. I'm the first of her grandchildren to graduate from college. 

Did I mention that Nana loved nature? That was her, always ready for an adventure.

From now on, every time it snows, I'll think of Nana. I used to call her while I was walking across campus when it was snowing.

Again, Nana in nature. I love the coloring of this picture. I think this was taken at Gettysburg.

This picture was taken in June after my Great Aunt Dolores funeral. There's mom, Nana, my Great Aunt Joyce and my Great Uncle Gene on the beach.

Nana loved the annual Nativity Display at the stake center. I'm glad there's a photo of her enjoying it.

There's Nana with my cousin Emily. I think it's one of the sweetest pictures of my Nana.

This picture of Nana going down an alpine slide in Colorado cracks me up. Julie and I were told to go slow for Nana, and she sped on down and had a blast.

Ok, it's not the greatest quality picture, but I love this picture of Julie and Nana in front of the Salt Lake Temple.

I'm Santa Claus! I have no recollection of this moment, and don't know why I made a beard out of that felt paper stuff, but lo and behold, there it was, so I had to throw it in the slide show. And I like that baby Kara is passed out in Nana's arms.

I love this picture of Nana and her siblings and their parents. From left to right they are as follows: Great Aunt Gloria, Great Uncle Carlton, Great Uncle Stanley, Great Aunt Doris, Nana, Great Uncle James, Great Uncle Howard, Great Aunt Dolores, Great Aunt Joyce, Great Uncle Harold, Great Uncle Wayne, Great Uncle Henry with Nannie and Papa in front. 

I love this picture of me with both my grandmothers. And I love that we're all matching. Plus, look at how stylish I was as a kid. :)

My favorite part of this picture is that it says "Love always, Shirley" in the corner. 

Nana in front of the Johnson's house at Christmas time. :)

Here's Nana with the twins when they were little. I'm really glad that the twins got as much time with Nana as they did. I hope they have great memories of her. 

That's Nana for 'ya. Wandering through the trees with her birding hat and binoculars. 

And just in case you wanted to see a small glimpse of the rest of my family, here's some of us in Colorado a few summers ago. 


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